Gold Star father Khan endorses Ali for Jersey City Board of Education

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

Gold Star father Khizr Khan has endorsed Mussab Ali for a one-year term on the Jersey City Board of Education.

“Congratulations. You have my full support and endorsement. We need more leaders like
you. God Speed,” Khan said in a statement.

Khan made national headlines last year for a public feud with then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“It is a great honor to be endorsed by a national figure and role model like Khizr
Khan. It is also very honorable to have been endorsed by so many community figures and leaders who believe that students deserve a voice on the board of education,” added Ali.

Ali is part of the Education Matters team and has received the endorsement of the Jersey City Education Association which has maintained a successful winning record in local BOE elections.
